Pool Cleaning driving you mad?

Pool Cleaning Again…. Ready to murder your trees?

Pools – Are your pool filters struggling to keep up with the leaves and flowers?

Roots – Are the roots of trees and palms damaging pavers or the pool?
Solar panels – Missing out on getting money back from the Power Company? Are you getting maximum sunlight to your solar panels or are they being shaded?
Gutters – Are your gutters filling up with leaves and flowers prior to storm season?

Turf/Lawns – Are your lawns/turf struggling to grow in the shade?
Garden Projects – installing a new shed, fence and need access?
Green Works specialise in working in those difficult access areas other tree business don’t have the equipment.
As we own the equipment there are no hidden hire charges. Our specialised cherry picker fits down the side of your home (standard side gate) can access your back yard, go up 15 meters. There are only two in the state and we own one. With access we can prune, remove and dismantle or manicure oversized hedges.
We have never claimed on our insurance. We are fully insured so you can be assured if something did go wrong you would not be responsible. Why take the risk?.
We are Trade Qualified Arborists that clean up better than your gardener.
For a Free Quote Brisbane South Logan Gold Coast North Call or Text Jason on 0431476567 or fill out the form at the top page. The email is sent through directly to my phone.
– Greenworks –
Fully Insured / Highly Trained / OH&S Compliant / Arboricultural Standards – compliant / 25 years of Experience / Fully Equipped (no additional hiring charges) / Quotes available on Saturdays / Before and After digital photography with every job

Specialise Hard to Access Trees

Specialise Hard to Access Trees, Green Works specialise in pruning and removing trees in hard to access places. We own a machine that fits through a house side gate and goes up 15m. It’s the safest option to do tree work and there is only 2 in the state. We transform gardens to make them safe, maintainable and saleable