Palm Tree Cleaning – Resorts, Over 50’s Resorts, Body Corporates

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Palm Tree Cleaning – Resorts, Over 50’s Resorts, Body Corporates

Palm Cleaning

I will explain what we do, and try visually show you.

We purpose bought a Hinowa light (spiderlift / cherry picker) to clean palms, its only one of two in the State, the other is on the Sunshine coast (image below)

Palm Tree Cleaning

The narrow access spiderlift can access most resort, body corporate and over 50’s Resorts and allows us to access the crown of the palm. Looking down you can closely inspect and see developing seed pods and remove, thus increasing the amount of time between palm cleans. We prune the dead, yellowing fronds, seeds, pods, seed casings.

The frequency will generally vary between one to two per year between palm cleans depends on factors such as personal preferences such as aesthetics, public liability, budget, rain fall, heat, amount of nutrients.

Typically year 2 there is a significant reduction of seed being produced and cleaning frequencies can be reduced from twice to once per year.

Typically most tree loppers climb the palms using spikes. It makes a lot of very large unsightly holes but causes two other major problems. Spiking palms causes;

  • Spread of disease
  • Palms to stress and produce more seed, increasing the frequency the palms need to be cleaned.

The other strategy some tree loppers use is to spike up the palms and cut out a lot of volume in the hope it will reduce the frequency. Unfortunately many are not trained, or insured and don’t know what to look for.

Green Works


Green Works has been a local business for 13 years. Were trade qualified arborists, carry 20 million public Liability insurance, work cover, all our vehicles and plant are insured. We do a quality job and aim to clean up better than your gardener.


We would anticipate there may be minor marking to the turf as the spider lift accesses the lawn area. But we will take care to ensure any damage is minimised.


We generally attend the site 7am, complete our risk assessment, put out signage and commence work. We stack the fronds, green waste near a road location and traffic cone this off in a non-pedestrian area. We generally chip the green waste after 9am. We find this has the least disruption to a site.


We anticipate most palms would be cleaned using the spider lift. Where is cannot occur in inaccessible areas they will be climbed.



After inspecting the site we quote a per palm including GST per palm. Generally year two or three our price is significantly cheaper than our competitors due to the palms having needed to being cleaned less frequently.

Palm Cleaning