Experienced, Accredited, Insured Arborists
Don’t let your tree trimming turn into a terrible tragedy
Arborists train for years to become trade qualified. Don’t let your tree trimming turn into a terrible tragedy. It is much safer to engage experienced Arborists with the right equipment.
Arborist equipment is expensive to purchase, but it means tree work is undertaken in the least risky way. This allows us to safely dismantle trees in small spaces. Green Works has specialist equipment that can be taken down the side of a house into confined spaces and expands up to 15m high.
Green Works undertakes work for large organisations in Logan, Northern Gold Coast and South Brisbane. We carry the highest level of commercial cover of 20 million dollars.
A large tree branch or tree can weight several tons. A palm tree for example can weigh more than your car. Tragically, accidents do happen. We would not want this to happen in your backyard, but a professional arborist will know exactly how to prune or remove trees.
Green Works Tree crews have extensive training, skills, and equipment to handle any kind of tree service from;
Man killed in tree lopping accident at Logan
Click here to read the story…
Man crushed to death by falling tree, woman injured after an incident at Logan
Click here to read the story…
All the work we provide is fully insured and our customers are guaranteed a friendly service that meets the rigorous standards set by Arboricultural Standards AS 4373-2007. Green Works Tree Care is a member of the Queensland Arboricultural Association Inc (QAA).
If you’re interested in getting South East Queensland’s tree care experts in to help you with a project… Contact Us Here
“We’re capable of handling any size project and would love to add you to our growing list of clients who say Green Works is for me!”
“Jason’s professionalism and horticultural excellence…. Jason has excellent knowledge of contract management, project management and supervisory skills….. he provided us with prompt, reliable service… on time and under budget”
…”you have exceeded all our expectations as the first person to occupy the position of Curator of Grounds….”
Our Spider Lift is designed for narrow access and confined spaces.
Fully trained, highly experienced and certified Arborists.
We abide by Council bylaws and we carry the highest level of insurance cover.
Creating better outcomes, deducing costs, and giving you peace of mind.
For the homeowner, Councils, Body Corporates, Resort Managers, and Businesses.
We take OH&S very seriously. Fully trained, experienced and certified, always abiding by Council bylaws